首頁 > 商品展示 > 純天然精油/乳霜エッセンシャルオイル > 100%植物アロマ マッサージオイル全天然草本香薰按摩油 > 100%植物アロママッサジオイル純天然植物單方按摩油 PURE NATURAL MASSAGE OILS
100%植物アロママッサジオイル純天然植物單方按摩油 PURE NATURAL MASSAGE OILS

100%植物アロママッサジオイル純天然植物單方按摩油 PURE NATURAL MASSAGE OILS

簡介:100%植物アロママッサジオイル純天然植物單方按摩油 PURE NATURAL MASSAGE OILS, massage oil




サイプレス、シダーウッドといった、 爽やかで森林浴を思わせるすがすがしい香りのアロマや、











Spa use Massage Oil was made by pure nature plants base oil (such as almond oil, grapseed oil, oliver oil, bran oil etc), blend with pure nature essencial oil.


 1.有機冷壓初榨椰子油Organic Virgin Coconut Oil 100ML HKD 30 250ML HKD60

オーガニックス 有機 プレミアム バージンココナッツオイル野生のココナッツを低温圧搾製法で100%生のココナッツオイル


一点250ML¥900+ ¥500配送料




   ●  降低患癌症和其他病變的可能性。

   ●  説明預防細菌,真菌,和病毒的侵入。

   ●  增強免疫系統的機能。

   ●  幫助控制糖尿病。

   ●  迅速增加體內能量和活力。 

   ●  促進新陳代謝,避免便秘。 

   ●  幫助消化和營養的吸收。

   ●  提供眾多重要的營養物質和維他命


 It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin. It prevents dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of skin which normally accompany aging. Also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.  Also helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases due to its well-known antioxidant properties.

低温圧搾製法で、無精製、無漂白、無香料、保存料無添加の100% 生のココナッツオイルです。

3. 红玫瑰香熏按摩油   Red rose massage oil  250 ML  HKD50

  具有潔淨、調節和調順的功能, 特別適合調理子宮肌, 治療輕微的子宮下垂. 玫瑰精油可以調整月經週期並使它規則, 減少過多的經血。 它亦是溫和的抗憂鬱劑, 如果女性因生殖系統或月經週期引起的性緒困擾, 甚至產後憂鬱, 它還具有強力調順神經系統和胃臟、肝臟與腎臟的功效。

有非常好的保養皮膚功能, 特別有幫助於乾性、敏感或老化肌膚。它具有逐步調理和收斂微血管的能力。

注意: 避免在懷孕期間使用。

Red rose massage oils, as long as a little amount of respect is quite sufficient. It has a strong women's feminine characteristics, has a strong effect on the uterus, it has a clean, regulation and function of cis-tone, particularly suitable for conditioning uterine muscle, treatment of mild uterine prolapse. Rose essential oils can adjust the menstrual cycle, and it rules, to reduce excessive the menstrual blood. It is also a mild anti-depressant agent, if the female reproductive system or menstrual cycle due to the nature of threads caused by distress, or even post-natal depression, it also has a strong cis-tune the nervous system and stomach, liver and kidney effect.

Rose essential oil has a very good maintenance of skin function, particularly helpful in the dry, sensitive or aging skin. It has gradually conditioning and convergence of microvascular capacity.

Note: Avoid use during pregnancy.    

4. 法国熏衣草香熏按摩油 Lavendar Masssage Oil 250 ML  HKD50    300ML  HKD 55




Lavender essential oil can be calm, comfort and most importantly, balance, whether psychological or physical, people's physical and mental state of harmonious balance in self-limiting. Lavender essential oil of pain, the efficacy of disinfection and sterilization, making it very suitable for the treatment of colds, coughs, nose and throat catarrh, sinusitis and influenza, lavender essential oils calming effect is also very good.

Lavender essential oil with a variety of effects, can reduce local pain and reduce the sensitivity of the central nervous system pain, reducing inflammation and progressive conditioning the body fat of all systems. Also can reduce blood pressure. It can inhibit the growth of bacteria, cause the skin to avoid infection, to appease the skin, balance the secretion of excess sebum and dilute the scar. Lavender is to stimulate the growth of healthy new cells, the most effective. Lavender essential oil can also cure a variety of eczema, avoid insect bites.

5. 洋甘菊香熏按摩油 Chamomile Massage Oil 250 ML  HKD70

6. 天竺葵按摩油     Geranium Massage Oil  250 ML  HKD50

7. 橙花香熏按摩油 孕婦預防妊娠紋,產前護膚專用  Neroli Masssage Oil  100ML HKD80  250 ML  HKD150 this oil is specialy for pregrant woman. 

功效:預防撫平妊娠紋及舒緩靜脈曲張,有助荷爾蒙分泌及調節,也是催情壯陽妙方, 對激動及過度興奮情緒有鎮靜作用,橙花油非常溫和、安全,非常適合懷孕的媽媽使用, 適用於胸部,腹部, 臀部及大腿部位。建議沐浴後適量輕輕按摩於肌膚上。可於懷孕初期開始使用直至分娩後三個月。

Helps to prevent stretch marks. Decrease tention. After bath apply to stomach, breast, buttocks and tights. To be used early pregnancy until three month after childbirth.


Neroli massage oil has anti-depressant, sterilization, anti-spasm and aphrodisiac effects, but also moderate sedation.

Neroli essential oils of the most important function is to; it can be quickly and effectively reduce stress and anxiety, neroli oil greatest value is that it can be treated long-term and severe anxiety.


Neroli oil is very gentle, safe and can also be used during pregnancy. One of its physiological function is that we can ease muscle cramps, especially in mental stress induced diarrhea problems. 

8. 西柚香熏按摩油   Grapefruit Massage Oil 250 ML  HKD50

9. 檸檬草香熏按摩油   Lemongrass Massage Oil 250 ML  HKD50

檸檬草按摩油 Lemon Grass Massage Oil

 功效: 刺激調順全身系統,恢復活力, 開胃。 可以減輕疼痛, 消除酸軟, 促進血液循環,緩解站累的雙腿,收緊肌肉,同時還有殺菌和除臭功效,也是很好的驅蟲劑。

Analgesic: Things that are considered an analgesic reduce pain and inflammation. Lemongrass Essential Oil helps relieve pain in muscles and joints, as well as toothaches and headaches resulting from viral infections like cough, cold, influenza, fever, and various poxes. It also helps cure general body pain resulting from strenuous activities and athletics.

Antidepressant: Lemongrass Oil boosts self esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength, and it uplifts spirits and fights depression. This can be very helpful to drive away depression due to failures in their career, personal life, insecurity, loneliness, stagnation, death in the family and many other reasons. This also relieves anxiety. As an antidepressant, lemongrass can be systematically administered to patients of acute depression who are undergoing rehabilitation after acute shock. Basically, take it with your tea and relax.

Antimicrobial and Antibacterial: Lemongrass has antimicrobial properties which makes it an inhibitor of microbial and bacterial growth in the body, both internally and externally. It is also known to be effective in inhibiting bacterial infections in the colon, stomach, urinary tracts, wounds, respiratory system, and other organ systems. while also helping to cure diseases resulting from bacterial or microbial infections such as typhoid, food poisoning, skin diseases, body odor, and malaria (caused due to protozoon).

Anti-pyretic: An anti-pyretic is an agent that brings down very high fevers. This is quite similar to a febrifuge but it is effective on very high fevers as well. This oil can bring down a fever when it is beginning to reach dangerous levels. This property of Lemongrass, which comes from its essential oils, is widely known and utilized. It is often served in tea for this very purpose.

Antiseptic: The antiseptic properties of Lemongrass Oil make it a good application for external and internal wounds as well as an ingredient of antiseptic lotions and creams. The antiseptic properties of this oil do not let the external and internal cuts and wounds become septic.

Astringent: An astringent helps the stoppage of blood flow by contraction of the blood vessels. If someone is bleeding profusely, you need to utilize an astringent to speed up clotting of the blood and stop the flow to save his or her life. The fact that lemongrass is an astringent helps in a different way too. It promotes contraction of gums, hair follicles, muscles, skin and blood vessels, thereby preventing loosening and falling out of teeth, hair loss and it reduces the flow of blood through the vessels. Some of these properties can be life-saving, so lemongrass is an essential source of astringent.

Carminative: Lemongrass Essential Oil can efficiently handle trouble people might have with excess flatulence. It not only helps to remove gas from the intestine, but also stops further gas from forming. Furthermore, it provides the excess gas a safe downward passage by relaxing the muscles in the abdominal region.

Deodorant: Lemongrass Oil is far better than many of the synthetic deodorants that are a big expense, a heavy impact on the environment, and have limited lasting power. Also, those types of deodorant can sometimes produce irritation on the skin and can exacerbate certain allergies. Lemongrass oil can be a far better choice as a deodorant because it does not do any of these things. In a diluted form, it serves as an efficient deodorant without any side effects. The best thing about this is that it is herbal, so there is no damage to your body or the environment.

Diuretic: Lemongrass Oil increases urination, both in frequency and in quantity. This may sound not that important but it can be very beneficial for health. When a person urinates, fats are lost from the body, because 4% of the volume of urine is composed of fats. Obviously, the more you urinate, the more you lose fat. Urination also promotes digestion and inhibits the formation of excess gas. It removes excess water from the body and reduces swelling. Its most important contribution is that it removes toxins from the body, not to mention its ability to reduce blood pressure. That is the reason that most pharmaceutical medications for lowering blood pressure induce frequent urination. Urination also helps clean out the kidneys.

Febrifuge: Lemongrass Oil helps bring down fevers by battling the infections from which the fever is caused, as well as by increasing perspiration, which induces sweating out of toxins.

Fungicidal: Lemongrass Oil has good fungicidal properties and may be used to cure fungal infections, both external and internal.

Galactogogue: Galactogogue is a substance or an agent that increases the formation of milk in the breasts. It also enhances the quality of that same milk. This property is very helpful for lactating mothers and the babies who need that vital source of food. Lemongrass oil is a Galactogogue. Apart from increasing milk production, it also helps babies in another way. Babies are prone to infections, so the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of Lemongrass oil are also absorbed in the milk and thus indirectly help the baby avoid such infections.

Insecticidal: Lemongrass is quite popular as an insect repellant due to its insecticidal properties. It kills insects and also keeps them away, but there isn’t enough research to know exactly which insects it affects, so there is no promise on cockroaches!

Nervine: Lemongrass Essential Oil acts as a tonic for the nerves and the nervous system in general. It helps cure many nervous disorders such as shaking hands or limbs, nervousness, vertigo, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and convulsions, sluggishness, and lack of reflexes. It strengthens the nerves throughout the body and stimulates them.

Sedative: Being a sedative is perhaps one of the most important and most appreciated medicinal properties of Lemongrass Oil. It has a great soothing, sedating and calming effects on mind, cures inflammations, itching of skin and it relieves tension and anxiety. This feature can help patients of insomnia as well.

Tonic: An agent which tones up and boosts health is a tonic. Lemongrass Oil is a tonic in a very clear sense. It tones all the systems functioning in the body, such as respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system and excretory system and facilitates absorption of nutrients into the body, thus providing strength and boosting the immune system.

Other Benefits: Lemongrass essential oil helps to cure cellulite, fungal infections and digestive problems, while simultaenously reducing excessive perspiration.

A Few Words of Caution: It is likely to irritate the skin and produce other types of irritations too. Hence it should be avoided during pregnancy, and kept away from the eyes.


10. 佛手柑香熏按摩油 Bergamot Massage Oil 250 ML  HKD50

11. 迷迭香香熏按摩油 Rosemary Massage Oil 250 ML  HKD50

12. 百里香熏按摩油  Thyme Massage Oil     250 ML  HKD50

13. 檀香香熏按摩油  Sandwood Massage Oil  250 ML  HKD80

14. 香茅香熏按摩油  Citronella Massage Oil 250 ML  HKD50


 Citronella oil is a yellow-brown, with a strong lemon scent. Anti depression; reduces discomfort; reduces the effect from suffering insomnia; relaxes spirit; smoothes breathing; smoothes muscle ache; eases headache. 

15. 白蘭花香熏按摩油 Orchard Massage Oil   250 ML  HKD80


 身體效用:降血壓, 調整心律,緩和呼吸急促癥狀。有助於排除性障礙,強化性能力。也可較好地強壯子宮,預防乳房下垂,對強化性能力,排除性障礙,舒緩停經,月經不適等作用效果明顯。


Champaca oil useful as an anti-depressant it is said to soothe and relax the body and strengthen the mind. Belonging to the Magnolia family, it’s a beautifully seductive fragrance and is widely used in the perfumery industry for its complex dark and citrusy aroma to create very exotic scents. It is one of the key ingredients in Joy, at one time the world's most costly perfume. In India, it used for relief of vertigo and headaches.

Skin Care

In massage therapy, it is used to support healthy joints and muscles and have a reputation as an effective aphrodisiac. It would be an ideal choice to make gels for body wraps or massage oil blends. It is claimed to be an aphrodisiac and it warms, calms, reduces stress, aids breathing and can induce euphoria. A good choice for pre sports lotions and gels. In facial products it releases the sternocleidomastoid muscles so is good to help teeth grinder people and those who hold a telephone in the crook of their neck. An excellent skin moisturiser and rejuvenator, it is an excellent active ingredient for products treating mature skin types. It is especially effective when added to jojoba oil and used for the neck and upper chest areas.

Hair Care

No specific hair care use other than for fragrance but it does add a beautiful aroma to shampoos, conditioners, hair gels and bath melts that is deeply relaxing.

Suggested Blends

The classic oil it is often combined with is sandalwood and it also has a special affinity to calendula macerated oil.



Avoid during pregnancy as it is an emmenagogue. Using too much of this oil could impede concentration, as it is a deeply relaxing oil. 

16. 甜橙按摩油 Sweet Orange Massage Oil   250ML HKD 50


功效: 抗憂鬱、抗痙攣、健胃和溫和定的效果,橙精油具有促進腸管正常蠕動的效果,可用它來治療便秘。甜橙精油的味道比較温暖圓潤,聞了會讓人感到心情愉快。可讓人精神振奮。


17. 茉莉花香熏按摩油 Jasimine Massage Oil 100ML HKD30   250ML HKD70




 Can stimulate the immune system has a function, can enhance the body's healing ability. It is a very safe oil, almost all are suitable for sensitive skin to use, even for infants and children, can use it to massage or baths. Immortelle Absolute essential oil has anti-sensitive, anti-inflammatory features such as sterilization, and convalescence, in addition to maintenance of the skin, but also can treat a variety of skin conditions such as eczema and other skin allergies and other illnesses.

Jamsimine Absolute essential oil also has a strong and eradicates the effect of stasis and the expectorant is suitable for the treatment of any type of cough, but also relieve spastic cough (asthma).

18.  肉桂按摩油 Cinnamon Leaf Massage Oil 250ML HKD70

19. 小豆蔻按摩油Cardamon Massage Oil  250ML HKD 100

20.  快樂鼠尾草按摩油Clary Sage Massage oil 250ML  HKD100

21.  絲柏按摩油 Cypress Massage Oil  250ML  HKD 70













Cypress essential oils have a good smell of wood smoke smell, and taste very similar to pine I. Cypress have a good convergence effect, any edema, incontinence caused by excess body fluids, or gum bleeding, gallbladder diseases such as pain and excessive menstrual flow, can be treated with the cypress, but also the treatment of oily skin and sweat --- Treatment of foot hyperhidrosis, it has a deodorant and convergence functions, can reduce sweating and foot odor.

Cypress essential oil has good anti-spasm effect on the efficacy of the trachea particularly good, so it is very suitable for the treatment of asthma. Its vapor can be inhaled to alleviate asthma and whooping cough.    

22.  檸檬按摩油 Lemon Massage Oil   250 ML HKD 50

功效: 刺激白血球保護身體、抵抗感染的能力。在治療外傷和感染引起的病症時,對支氣管炎、流行性感冒和胃部感染等較輕微的病症,可利用退燒。

24.  澳洲茶樹按摩油 Tea Tree Massage Oil  100ML HKD 25       250ML HKD 50  23.  薄荷按摩油 Peppermint Oil   250ML HKD50

功效:強力的免疫系統激勵,最重要的功能,就是能提振免疫系統能力。它可以治療感冒或流行性感冒和兒童的各種傳染病。可以有效地治療唇疱疹。可以減輕水疱症狀。茶樹精油具有殺死黴菌的功能。它可以有效治療金錢癬和香港腳等黴菌感染症,更重要的是它還能控制念珠菌。Skin care for Abscess, acne, athlete's foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff,herpes, insect bites, oily skin, rashes (nappy rash), spots, verrucae, warts,wounds. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis,tuberculosis, whooping cough.GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM: Thrush, vaginitis, cystitis, pruitis.IMMUNE SYSTEM: Colds, fever, 'flu, infectious illnesses such as chicken pox.


SKIN CARE: Abscess, acne, athlete's foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff,

herpes, insect bites, oily skin, rashes (nappy rash), spots, verrucae, warts,

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis,
tuberculosis, whooping cough.

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM: Thrush, vaginitis, cystitis, pruitis.

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Colds, fever, 'flu, infectious illnesses such as chicken pox.

Antiseptic / Bacretrial Properties of tea tree oil :Treatment of cuts, burns, insect bites, infected splinters and all kinds of wounds, especially dirty or ones which contain puss. 


25.  依蘭依蘭按摩油 Ylang Ylang Massage Oil 250ML HKD 80

26.  尤加利按摩油 Eucalyptus Massage Oil  250ML  HKD 50

27. 松針按摩油  Pine Massage Oil 250ML HKD 50

28.艾草按摩油Ay tsao massage oil

 規格SIZE: 100ML HKD20/EA  250ML HKD 50/EA



Product Name: Ay tsao Essential oil

Usage: apply to use,moxibustion in acupuncture or oil nozzle,rub it repeatedly until the skin absorption,usable moxibustion are embalmed the absolute being light irradiation sticks or 30 minutes a day,also.

Function: strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of circuation, help curing from core,wound,chilblains, etc  and maintain general health.


29. 純天然中藥按摩油藥用植物按摩精油保健品用油Chuanxiong Massage Oil 250ML  HKD60/250ML






















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